7 Steps To Take Before Building A House

Custom Stick Built Cape, Glen Spey, NYSo you have decided you want to build a new home, but you are not familiar with the process or how to get started. The process can be very simple if you follow the guidelines below.

1) Check your credit report to see if there are any discrepancies. This gives you the chance to clean up anything that needs attention.

2) Meet with a mortgage consultant and get pre-approved so you know how much you can afford for a land & home construction package. It is also good to ask your builder for their recommendation for a mortgage consultant or lending institution.

3) Find a builder with a good solid reputation and experience, one who is willing to walk you through the entire construction process and coordinate a full turn-key project. Why a full turn-key? A full turn-key project is a very seamless way to have your home construction completed. With one firm that handles all your needs it eliminates loose ends, hidden fees, and reduces your stress. You will no longer have to worry over scheduling contractors, getting permits, or handling proper inspections yourself.

4) Find a suitable building lot that is fully engineered, or you can have your builder coordinate with an engineer. Some things to consider when purchasing a lot to build are: Is there power to the site? What will be the costs involved to have the utility company bring power to the site? Driveway length is also a consideration. Do I need a well or does the property have municipal water? Do I need a septic system or does the property have central sewage? Are septic systems generally costly in the area I would like to build?

5) Decide on a home floor plan that will meet your family’s needs while staying within your budget for your land & home package. Many floor plans can be found on our website. If none of those plans seem appealing, start sketching something and we would be happy to look at it and help custom design your home.

6) Once you have a floor plan designed, we can begin drawing contracts. These contracts can then be used at the bank, when applying for a construction loan. While you go to the bank we can have architect plans drawn.

7) With architect plans in hand, and financing set it’s time to get a building permit. Building permits are required for all new home construction and is a service that is included in our complete home packages

Now that the paper work is completed its time to start construction!

The process is that simple! If you have more questions give us a call and we would be happy to walk you through the building process.

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New Modular House, Westtown NY