Buy Land in Sullivan, Ulster and Orange County NY

• Are you looking to buy land for your new home?

• If you’re concerned about making that important decision on your own, call on Martell Home Builders to help.

• We offer a free land consultation of your land, prior to the purchase of the land.

Why you should get advice before you buy:

Improvement costs for each piece of property vary greatly due to site conditions. While you’re looking at the land for benefits such as: distance to work, neighborhood, school district, taxes, etc, we look at the property from a different perspective. We look at the land, terrain, septic system size and type, driveway length, drainage, and power access. These are factors many people, and even some builders may overlook. We see the entire picture, then give you an assessment and a quote for your entire project.

Our Land Consultation enables you to see your costs up front, giving you a better opportunity to make decisions that best fit your budget today, tomorrow and in years to come. Clients have told us that this free service helped point out potential issues that might have created costly problems. We’re so glad to have helped!


So, if you’re looking to build a new home on land you’re hoping to buy, call us first. We’ll give you solid estimates on your new home construction, and also on the other pieces of the project. We have built homes throughout Sullivan, Ulster and Orange County New York.

Our homes are available in many styles with almost any customized feature you can dream up! To see our home plans, click here. We offer custom designs as an integral part of our business. Modifications and personal touches are streamlined into your home plans to create the home of your dreams.

Buying direct and working directly with Chad Martell is smart, convenient and economical. We use quality building products, our work ethic is excellent, and we don’t cut corners. To see our home plans, click here.

Let Martell Home Builders help you cover all of the bases before purchasing that piece of land, and you’ll move ahead … with confidence!


~ Chad Martell